Running - Winchester

Running while on holiday? Not for everyone but those who love to get a quick morning 5k in or are in training for an event may like to know our recommended running routes around Winchester. We love the footpaths and bridleways already marked out as they are free from traffic and you can't get too lost. 

We also love the local Farley Mount forest for some trail running and try the Itchen Valley footpath above Winnal Moore. Ideal for a more strenuous run but be prepared for some muddy puddles. Luckily our accommodations provide a washing machine so you won't have to worry about muddy running gear for your whole holiday.

There is an established parkrun in Winchester so you can still get your Saturday morning fix even when you're away. Visit parkrun website for more details...and don't forget your barcode!

If you're on a bit of a health holiday then visit Rawberry for a healthy smoothie, a high protein lunch or superfood juice shots. Find balance between nourishing your body and treating it while on holiday.